I'm just a little depressed..
So I've been at college for about 10 weeks now, and yesterday I just started to get a little depressed,
I miss how things used to be! It probably hasn't helped that I've started college in a whole new area with a whole new load of people, I just kinda feel like an outcast with no one to really share my feelings with y'know face to face.
If it wasn't for my friends from highschool talking to me on MSN cheering me up and the new Pokemon game to take my mind of things, I'd probably end up having a meltdown.
Ahaa, normally I'm a really cheery person but today it's just constantly raining in my own little world. I'm normally never ever really sad, I'm guessing this is a sign of the apocalypse.
on the bright side my blog has reached 41 posts, do I talk too much?