Okay, Okay, So i'm pretty much a reader of fan fiction and I love myself some good Germancest, and normally I stick to stalking the stories instead of reviewing them BUT there is an ongoing fanfic which I will not name, that uses 'san' all the time now, checking the authors profile out, she is the same age as me and lives in the USA.
Now using 'san' would only be correct if she was
A) Japanese
B) writing her story in Japanese
C) A weeaboo.
Now the word 'san' is used when speaking Japanese referring to someones name, they use it in anime, but you don't normally see san in manga that is in english or english subtitles, because in the English language we don't need 'san'. (I know this because I have spent two years learning Japanese, I'm not fluent but I know basic words, and sentences.)
And I found out that she had replied to my review with this:
"And to the reviewer who commented on the "putting -san" behind most of their names, I do it because:
1. It sounds adorable
2. Some sense of respect?
3. Other people do it
4. And so will I. Its Fanfics and I can do as I please :3"
Pshh you just lost one Story favourite and I have never read a good fanfic that uses 'san' .

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